About My Clients
My clients span presenting issues and challenges. I know that sometimes taking the step to getting support and help in therapy seems overwhelming and I celebrate you for being here! I also know that the experiences you’ve had leading up to exploring therapy have likely been even more overwhelming, and that you deserve to feel relief, comfort, and care for and from yourself. I specialize in working with grief, loss, transition, and relational traumas which have disrupted your sense of Self.
My Background and Approach
In our work together, we can access creative imagination to envision and enact your pathway forward, through a psychodynamic, relational lens: meaning we will look at how you learned to be in the world through your relationship experiences, and choose new options based on that understanding. I use evidence-based advancements in psychotherapy with the latest research in neuroscience and nervous system functioning, so we can rewire and repair at core levels of your daily living. Our sessions are able to be both highly verbal and analytical, as well as creative and calming, as we have options to integrate art making, visualization, mindfulness & meditation, and bioenergetics as warranted and desired by your preferences and needs.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
Know that therapy will challenge you to make sense of past and current conflict or loss in new and meaningful ways. At its core, therapy is the greatest gift you can give yourself, as it allows you to more fully unfold to yourself and your authentic truths and existence. I so look forward to exploring your journey forward with you, and defining the unique and personal steps in it that create greater resilience, hope, inspiration, and joy for you each and every day. I believe that our aim in this life--and in the therapy sessions that reflect upon it--is to find ways to make sense of our own existence and contributions to those around us in a way that feels deeply worth it, ever evolutionary, and transformative toward our truest callings, path, and expressions.