Gottman Method

The Gottman Method is a therapeutic approach to couples therapy that includes a thorough assessment of the relationship and integrates the research-based intervention, the Sound Relationship House Theory, into treatment. The method (and Sound Relationship House Theory) is based on the research findings of John Gottman’s in depth studies of married couples. The Gottman Method emphasizes the importance of building a strong “friendship system,” believing that investing energy in building a positive connection and knowledge of each other’s inner worlds will make your relationship more fulfilling, and will also make it more resilient to weathering storms. The Sound Relationship House Theory, a fundamental part of the Gottman Method, describes the essential building blocks of marital intimacy for building a lasting and healthy relationship (it includes things like managing conflict and creating shared meaning). Some common issues that the Gottman Method addresses include frequent conflicts or fighting, poor communication, sexual difficulties, infidelity and financial problems, among others. Think this approach might be right for you? Reach out to one of TherapyDen’s Gottman Method experts today.

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Drawing from Dr. Gottman's research, I specialize in helping couples improve their relationships and increase satisfaction. Through assessment tools and evidence-based approaches, I identify relationship strengths and areas of growth, then guide couples in developing effective communication skills, conflict resolution strategies, and ways to enhance intimacy. I provide a safe environment for couples to foster their partnerships and promote long-term relationship success.

— Lauren Garza, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist in , PA

I am trained in Gottman levels 1,2 and 3 of the Gottman method of couple's counseling. In addition, I've completed their training in affairs and trauma as well as their couples in recovery program. I am a seven principles of making a marriage work educator as well.

— kandee love, Sex Therapist in Oswego, IL

At The Refuge, the Gottman Method is used to strengthen relationships through research-based techniques. Couples learn to enhance communication, manage conflict, build trust, and deepen emotional connection. This approach fosters lasting bonds by focusing on shared goals, understanding, and meaningful interactions.

— Whitney Cavanah, Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate

I am being trained in the Gottman Method to assist couples in developing friendship, conflict management, and creation of shared meaning. I help couples transform negative ways they communicate with positive interactions to help heal past resentments. The Gottman Method includes, "interventions designed to increase closeness and intimacy are used to improve friendship, deepen emotional connection, and create changes which enhances the couples shared goals."

— Caitlin Ruby Miller, Licensed Professional Counselor in Northbrook, IL

Gottman Method Couples Therapy uses 50 years of research on communication in relationships to help clients hear/understand each other, move past conflicts and misunderstandings, and develop greater intimacy, trust, and commitment.

— Maggie Dungan, Marriage & Family Therapist in Fort Collins, CO

The Gottman Method is a research-based approach to couples therapy that helps partners improve their relationship by strengthening their connection and resolving conflicts more effectively. Developed by Drs. John and Julie Gottman, it’s based on decades of research with thousands of couples to understand what makes relationships thrive.The Gottman Method is about more than resolving conflict; it’s about creating a partnership where both of you feel supported, valued, and loved.

— Bobbie Schlein, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Rhinebeck, NY

Completed Level 1 and 2 in Gottman Method Couple Therapy

— Erica Garcia, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Ann Arbor, MI

Gottman Method provides research-based interventions tailored to unique needs of each couple. It focuses on building trust and intimacy while reducing conflict. Structured exercises help partners to deepen their understanding of each other's needs, creating a more resilient and satisfying relationships. Gottman Method includes building rituals of connection, enhancing fondness and admiration, and fostering shared goals while addressing destructive behaviors like criticism and contempt.

— Elvan Kama Kurtz, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Wayne, PA

In my work with couples, the Gottman Method is central to my approach. I adapt their research, theory, and findings to work with LGBTQ+ and CNM couples.

— Sarah Malavenda, Psychotherapist in Chicago, IL

Relationships are integral to our lives, so I have attended levels 1, 2, and 3 of Gottman training so I can offer their well-researched interventions to couples, as well as to individuals who want to add skills to their interactions with partners and loved ones.

— Holly Love, Licensed Professional Counselor in Aurora, CO

I am committed to saving your relationship. Couples counseling is a particularly difficult task to undertake. People often present to counseling when they are feeling desperate in their relationship. I strive to help you develop what Dr. John Gottman coined as a "Sound Relationship House." This involves trust and commitment, positive feelings towards your partner, sharing in life achievements, and conflict resolution. I look forward to helping you create a solid foundation.

— Katrina Kuzyszyn-Jones, Psychologist in Durham, NC

Gottman Method therapy is a type of couples counseling based on over 40 years of research (that is still ongoing) into what creates happy, stable relationships. What ARE those people who are loving their relationships doing anyway? This type of couples therapy is based off the answers to that question and is very skills based. I will use it to help you reconnect with each other, have the conversations you haven't been able to have (or at least not well), and look forward to your future together.

— PK Foss, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Portland, OR

How cool is Gottman? If you don't know, John Gottman is a researcher who can accurately predict divorce with 93% accuracy after observing a couple for three minutes in a conflict discussion. At Resolve, we are students of this kind of research, and practitioners of the Gottman Method. The owner of Resolve, Dr. Hecht, is Gottman certified. Come see us today.

— Heather Hecht, Psychologist in Arlington, VA

I use the Gottman Method to enhance communication and deepen understanding between couples. By teaching constructive conflict management and ways to build mutual fondness, I help partners avoid negative behaviors like criticism and contempt. My approach fosters positive interactions, strengthening emotional connections and helping couples effectively navigate challenges together.

— Laura Crosby, Licensed Professional Counselor in Nashville, TN

I am a Certified Gottman Method Couple Therapist, #406.

— Sheila Addison, Counselor in Oakland, CA

I am being trained in the Gottman Method to assist couples in developing friendship, conflict management, and creation of shared meaning. I help couples transform negative ways they communicate with positive interactions to help heal past resentments. The Gottman Method includes, "interventions designed to increase closeness and intimacy are used to improve friendship, deepen emotional connection, and create changes which enhances the couples shared goals."

— Caitlin Ruby Miller, Licensed Professional Counselor in Northbrook, IL

The Gottman Method was developed by John and Julie Gottman and is the result of over 40 years of research into relationship success. Interventions are based on this research and designed to strengthen the areas of friendship, conflict management, and creation of shared meaning.

— Sheila Kelly, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Torrance, CA